public static is harmful. It has no home in modern programming.
In the modern era of software development, "public static" is a relic of a past age. It reflects a bygone era where the concepts of composition and dependency injection were not yet well understood. In the modern world of software, where we understand both of these concepts relatively well - it's important to know that public static has no future. Let's see why: 1. public static forces static coupling, breaks composition and dependency injection This one is fairly obvious - it's in the name. A call to a public static function typically looks like: void myCallingFunction() { MyUtils.publicStaticFunction(args); } As we can see clearly, the call to the public static function is happening with a direct reference through the containing class. The calling function is tied down to using only the implementation in MyUtils. The caller may not choose another implementation even if the caller may be calling the code in a test environment ( brittle composition ). This &quo