
Showing posts from December, 2010

Thank you from the Wikimedia Foundation

From: Sue Gardner <...@ > Date: Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 1:41 PM Subject: Thank you from the Wikimedia Foundation Dear Divye, Thank you for your gift of USD 100 to the Wikimedia Foundation, received on December 8, 2010. I'm very grateful for your support. Your donation celebrates everything Wikipedia and its sister sites stand for: the power of information to help people live better lives, and the importance of sharing, freedom, learning and discovery. Thank you so much for helping to keep these projects freely available for their more than 400 million monthly readers around the world. Your money supports technology and people. The Wikimedia Foundation develops and improves the technology behind Wikipedia and nine other projects, and sustains the infrastructure that keeps them up and running. The Foundation has a staff of about fifty, which provides technical, administrative, legal and outreach support for the global community of volunteers who write and ed

Wikipedia - A big "Thank you"

I just made a donation of $100 to Wikipedia in recognition of the shared treasure of knowledge it maintains on such a huge wealth of topics. Thank you so much Wikipedia for all that you've done for me. I am indebted to you.

Google Interview Questions and the Google Campus Interview Process 2011

Hi Guys,    I know I'm not really writing a letter, but I really felt that I should jot down my impression of the Google Campus Placement process of 2010 before I forgot most of it. As a lot of my Facebook friends know by now, I've been given a campus placement offer by Google. Naturally, I'm really excited about it. Here's the story of how it all happened - a blow by blow account. (Tip: The interview questions are well marked out in the narrative and you can skip to them if you're not really interested in the campus process narrative).    Google's hiring process is known to be pretty tough and their engineers are counted among the best in the world. The first whiff of that came through when a couple of young techies and an HR landed on campus sometime in November to carry out their written test. 50 eligible candidates for the test and 50 copies of the question paper: +3 -1 was the scoring scheme - so no guessing! (or atleast very calculative guessing). Most o