Solved? LaTeX Error: pdf file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct xref table
Update : Greater experience with this issue has given me greater clarity. The issue is not related to LaTeX. Getting this error message simply means that evince tried to access the PDF file while it was being written to by pdflatex or latex and found it in a damaged state. This happens if you have a large pdf file being generated with lots of text or a number of figures. There's nothing to worry about if you get this error message. You can safely ignore it. ---- Original Post Below --- This is just a short note for anyone coming across this problem while doing LaTeX work. Google doesn't have a decent explanation for why this message occurs. I don't have one either but I have isolated the cause for my particular issue and I hopefully have a fix. The error under discussion is: Error: PDF file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct xref table... Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary Error: Couldn't read xref table Error: PDF file is damaged - attempting to